Need Help?

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

If you don't find what you're looking for, Ask Us A question below or Email us at SUPPORT@CREMECHICAGO.COM


How long does it take to recieve my order after i've placed it? . . .

Typically, we ship orders 1-3 business days after receiving it. Once we have shipped your order, you will recieve an email confirming the shipment containing the USPS tracking number for the package. If you do not receive this email 3 business days after placing an order, feel free to contact support at SUPPORT@CREMECHICAGO.COM

Do you ship internationally? If so, how long does it take? . . .

Yes! We ship internationally to just about anywhere! We love our international customers. Depending on a number of factors, International shipping can take up to anywhere in between 1-3 weeks after receiving the shipping confirmation. If you haven't received your order in 4 weeks, CONTACT US and we'll be glad to help you.

How should I care for my products? . . .

We recommend either dry-cleaning or machine washing our products on COLD only.

What is your return policy? . . .

View Our Return Policy HERE

Do you have a sizing guide to refer to? . . .

Yes, you can view the sizing guide HERE

Where can I find your privacy policy and terms of use? . . .

You can find them at the bottom of the page or you can click the links here: PRIVACY POLICY || TERMS OF USE.

I want to sell Créme in my store, how do I get in touch? . . .

We'd love to hear from you! Simply click HERE and fill out the brief contact form, we'll get back to you as soon as possible.